


Seek the optimal solution of energy transformation

2020-07-21 Visits:

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China elaborated on how to promote green and low-carbon development and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Among them, "Accelerating the planning and construction of a new energy system" is an important guide for the transformation and upgrading of China's energy industry in the new era, and draws a new blueprint for the development of China's energy system.

Under the new situation and new requirements, China's energy system still needs to accelerate the transformation under the background of "dual carbon" goal. What are the characteristics of building a new energy system today? What kind of support will the new power system provide for the new energy system? How to deal with the relationship between traditional energy and new energy development? In this regard, our reporter interviewed Lin Weibin, director of energy policy research Office of China Energy Research Society.

Medium Energy: What are the new characteristics of China's energy security in the new development stage? What should we pay special attention to in building a new energy system?

Lin Weibin: Before we talked about China's energy security, we focused on oil and gas security, because China relies on imports for more than 70% of its crude oil and more than 40% of its natural gas. In recent years, with the large-scale development and utilization of new energy sources such as wind power and solar power, power supply security has increasingly become an energy security issue that needs to be focused on. Because wind and solar power generation is intermittent and unstable, it is affected by the depth of meteorological conditions such as wind speed and light.

For example, at the peak of electricity consumption in the summer of 2021, the total installed capacity of 35 million kilowatts of wind power in the Northeast power grid was only 34,000 kilowatts. In the summer of 2022, the wind power output during the morning peak of the maximum load day of the Fujian power grid is only 13,000 kilowatts, less than 1% of the installed capacity. In addition, conventional power sources such as hydropower are also largely affected by meteorological conditions, especially in extreme weather conditions such as high temperature, drought and cold wave, and their output can not be guaranteed. The lack of electricity in Sichuan in the summer of 2022 has sounded the alarm for the security of power supply.

With the increasing proportion of unstable power sources in the power system, and the intensification of global warming, making extreme weather frequent, the problem of power supply security will become increasingly prominent.

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