1`B2 二级生物安全柜,紫外杀菌灯
- Size:
- BuiltInOptions:
- Biosafety Cabinet Nominal Sash Opening:
- Power Consumption:
- air Volume:
- The Noise:
- Production status:
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Class II Type B2:
The Class II Type B2 biosafety cabinets are suitable for work with toxic chemicals employed as an adjunct to microbiological processes under all circumstances since no re-circulation occurs. In theory, Type B2 biological safety cabinets may be considered as the safest of all Class II BSCs since the total exhaust feature acts as a fail-safe in the event that the downflow and / or exhaust HEPA filtration systems cease to function normally. However, Class II Type B2 biosafety cabinets require large laboratory spaces due to their installation system and will require elaborate ducting works.